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Summer 1995: Froebel Blocks Assignment (1)

...Now came the geometric by-play of these charming checkered colour combinations! The structural figues to be made with peas and small straight sticks; slender constructions, the jointings accented by the little green pea-globes. The smooth shapely maple blocks with which to build, the sense of which never afterwards leaves the fingers: so form became feeling . And the box with a mast to set upon it, on which to hang with string the maple cubes and spheres and triangles, revolving them to discover subordinate forms...

...That early kindergarten experience with the straight line; the flat plane; the square; the triangle; the circle! If I wanted more, the square modified by the triangle gave the hexagon -- the circle modified by the straight line would give the octagon. Adding thickness, getting 'sculpture' thereby, the square became the cube, the triangle the tetrahedron, the circle the sphere. These primary forms and figures were the secret of all effects... which were ever got into the architecture of the world...

Frank Lloyd Wright, from An Autobiography

Assignment One uses, as a point of departure, the famous kindergarten construction blocks that inspired Frank Lloyd Wright. Use the simplest geometrical primitives, specifically rectangular prisms, to investigate the power of the copy, translate, rotate and scale procedures. Create a structure which, had it been created and preserved in Froebel blocks by the infant Frank Lloyd Wright, would have been described by later architectural historians as "eerily premonitory of one of Wright's lesser-known masterpieces, the _________ ..."

Note: Due at the next tutorial session. The result does not have to represent a building; it could be furniture, stained-glass, etc... You might approach this exercise in either of two ways: analyze a work of Wright, reducing its mass to a collection of rectangular prismatic solids; or construct and further develop one of the arrangements of Froebel blocks sketched here...

Print two black and white perspectives which use shadow casting, and save several views which best show, on the screen, your "charming checkered colour combinations"...

Submitting your work electronically..

Check the list and schedule of CAD topics...

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